Vol. 39 (Number 29) Year 2018. Page 12
Marina Vladimirovna POTAPOVA 1; Artem Arkadievich SALAMATOV 2; Boris Alexandrovich ARTEMENKO 3; Irina Viktorovna KOLOSOVA 4; Oksana Gennadievna MISHANOVA 5; Irina Anatolievna SELIVERSTOVA 6
Received: 15/03/2018 • Approved: 01/04/2018
ABSTRACT: The article deals with the design, verification, and validation of the concept of internal quality assessing system of the preschool education (hereinafter referred to as IQASPE) implemented based on the principles of state and public administration, which is consistent with the requirements of state education policy. This is scientifically sound tool, potentially distributed across the region, which allows receiving the comprehensive information and making democratic rational and timely management decisions to improve the quality of education in preschool educational organizations. The methodological framework of the concept development is based on systemic, activity, axiological, and qualimetric approaches (Kuz'mina, et. al. 2002). Experimental and practical work on the project includes the development and validation of a criterion-level scales, valid diagnostic materials, mathematical models, and procedures to implement state and public examination. The research results are designed to conduct systematic standardized observations of the educational process status in preschool educational organization and trace the dynamics in quality changes of offered educational services in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education (FSES PE). |
RESUMEN: El artículo trata del diseño, verificación y validación del concepto de sistema interno de evaluación de la calidad de la educación preescolar (en adelante, IQASPE) implementado en base a los principios del estado y la administración pública, que es consistente con los requisitos de la educación estatal política. Esta es una herramienta científicamente sólida, potencialmente distribuida en toda la región, que permite recibir información integral y tomar decisiones de gestión democráticas, racionales y oportunas para mejorar la calidad de la educación en las organizaciones educativas preescolares. El marco metodológico del desarrollo del concepto se basa en enfoques sistémicos, de actividad, axiológicos y cualimétricos (Kuz'mina, et al., 2002). El trabajo experimental y práctico en el proyecto incluye el desarrollo y la validación de escalas a nivel de criterio, materiales de diagnóstico válidos, modelos matemáticos y procedimientos para implementar exámenes estatales y públicos. Los resultados de la investigación están diseñados para realizar observaciones estandarizadas sistemáticas del estado del proceso educativo en la organización educativa preescolar y rastrear la dinámica en los cambios de calidad de los servicios educativos ofrecidos de acuerdo con los requisitos del Estándar Educativo Estatal Federal de Educación Preescolar (FSES PE). |
The issue of assessing the quality of preschool education is substantiated by the state educational policy aimed at improving the availability and quality of preschool education. The article 28 of the Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation" designates the responsibility of an educational organization to ensure the functioning of the internal quality assessing system of education. However, a unified conceptual and methodological understanding of the solution to the problem of assessing the quality of preschool education and approaches to its measurement is not developed so far (Sobranie Zakonodatel’stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Collection of Legislation of the RF] 31.12.2012, No. 53(1), Item 7598). In this regard, the development of the concept of the internal quality assessing system of the preschool education (hereinafter referred to as IQASPE) in preschool educational organization (PEO) becomes quite relevant.
The purpose of the present study consists in designing, verifying, and testing the concept of the IQASPE based on the principles of state and public administration.
Target group consists of executives of PEOs and parents of children studying at PEOs.
As noted by A.K. Belolutskaya et al. (2016), T.B. Yedakova (2012), (Edakova 2013) and many other experts in the field of quality assessment of the education, the creation of the IQASPE Concept is caused by the increased need of all participants involved in the educational process in the systematization of measures and procedures of quality assessment of preschool education. The concept defines methodological bases to improve the system of quality assessment, including the conceptual framework and principles, the objectives and tasks, as well as its objects and content.
The methodological framework of the concept development is based on the systemic, activity, axiological, and qualimetric approaches (Kuz'mina, et al. 2002).
The system approach (I.V. Blauberg, (1973), B.S. Gershunsky (1998), Yu.A. Konarzhevsky (1990), and A. I. Ujomov (1978), et al.) has found its application when forming an aggregate of the IQASPE components.
When assessing the quality of education in PEO, the activity approach (P.Ya. Galperin (1999), V.V. Davydov (1998), A.N. Leont'ev (1975), et al.) is defined by interaction nature of educational process participants.
The axiological approach (L.V. Vershinina (2003), Z.I. Ravkin (1995), V.A. Slastenin, G.I. Chizhakova (2003), et al.) provides analysis of pedagogical values, which are the basis in determining the structure and content of the IQASPE.
The qualimetric approach (V.P. Bespal’ko (1997), I.Ya. Lerner (1981), E.V. Yakovlev (1999), et al.) combines monitoring of quality assessment, used to substantiate decisions on quality management of preschool education and related management.
Many researchers (A.K. Belolutskaya, T.N. Le-van. et al. (2016) V. A. Bolotov, I.A. Val’dman, et al. (2012), O.A. Shiyan, E.V. Vorob'eva (2015), D.J. Cassidy, L.L. Hestenes, A. Hegde (2005), D.S. Harcourt (2008), et al.) single out a general criterion for assessing the quality of education as the compliance of the object with the established requirements. Comprehensive application of the described approaches makes the IQASPE crucially transparent and soluble, allowing involvement of parents as education agents, to the education quality assessment.
Design, verification and testing of the IQASPE concept was based on the analysis of normative legal documents defining the implementation principles of the IQASPE, namely the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273-FZ of 29.12.2012 "On education in Russian Federation" (Sobranie Zakonodatel’stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Collection of Legislation of the RF] 31.12.2012, No. 53(1), Item 7598), as well as orders of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science No. 462 of 14.06.2013 "On approving the Procedure of self-assessment in educational organization" (Rossiiskaia Gazeta [Ros. Gaz.] 12.07.2013, No. 151), and No. 1155 of 17.10.2013 "On approval of Federal state educational standard of preschool education" (Rossiiskaia Gazeta [Ros. Gaz.] 25.11.2013, No. 265). Validation of the concept was based also on the processing of the results of two questionnaire surveys conducted among executives of PEOs of the Chelyabinsk Region and parents of children studying in PEOs. Carrying out the questionnaire survey pursued two objectives: firstly, identifying the need to develop procedure for implementing IQASPE; and secondly, identifying the respondents' opinion about the objectivity and reliability of the developed system for assessing the quality of preschool education and its compliance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.
In total, the study involved 1228 PEOs of the Chelyabinsk Region that made up 84% of the total number of PEOs of the region.
The number of respondents from among executives of PEOs amounted to 1228 people. The number of parents, who agreed to participate in the survey, amounted to 122800 people (100 people from each PEO).
The questionnaire survey showed that 92% of the 1228 respondents among the executives of PEOs were ready to implement the self-assessment procedure, while 5% of respondents expressed their doubt concerning the suitability of implementation of self-assessment in PEO, however they realized the need for this measure, referring to the requirements of the regulatory framework, that hardly proved their true readiness for carrying out self-assessment procedure. Only 3% of PEO executives noted negative attitude to the self-assessment procedure. It is probably due to the fact that executives, many of whom are well experienced in administrating process, are not ready for such procedures, because they may identify deficiencies in the functioning of entrusted PEO.
As for the results obtained from the questionnaire survey of parents, 98% of those underwent questionnaire noted the need for the implementation of the self-assessment procedure in the educational organization, while 2% reported that they were not interested in the results of such self-assessment, because they were not competent in the issues related to the organization of preschool education.
Based on the answers of PEO executives and children’s parents to the questionnaire concerning the need to develop a self-assessing procedure, analyzing the criteria set forth in the " Procedure of conducting self-assessment in educational organization" (Rossiiskaia Gazeta [Ros. Gaz.] 25.11.2013, No. 265), and the experience of foreign researchers (E.D. Caffrey (2009), D. S. Harcourt (2008), M. Perlman, G.L. Zellman, Vi-Nhuan Le. (2004) et al.), we have developed an algorithm for conducting a self-assessment for a PEO, which is presented below.
The assessment of the "Performance analysis of the organization, subject to self-assessment" as the self-assessment object is carried out in accordance with the indicators set forth by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1324 of 10.12.2013. That’s why it is not included in the present algorithm.
This analysis algorithm was proposed to executives of PEOs as well as to parents to reveal their views about the objectivity and reliability of the developed IQASPE and its compliance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.
The following results were obtained in the course of questionnaire survey: 97% of respondents from among the executives noted that the proposed self-assessment algorithm met the requirements of the legislative framework and allowed obtaining unbiased and reliable information about quality of offered educational services; 3% of respondents noted that the developed system met the requirements of the self-assessment procedure, however, they perceived the practical implementation of the proposed system negatively.
The processing of respondents’ questionnaires from among parents has shown 100% satisfaction with the developed algorithm for self-evaluation of PEO. Parents believe that the implementation of this tool into the preschool education practice will allow creating openness and accessibility of the educational organization.
The implementation of the IQASPE into educational activities allows the executives to form a comprehensive assessment concerning the functioning of their PEO. Gathering complete and accurate information for analysis of each self-assessment object is carried out in the course of internal monitoring process as a special kind of management activity.
The application of tools presented in developed algorithm serves the basis for the formation of the databank concerning educational activities, the generalization and analysis of which will enable PEO to generate a report on self-assessment satisfying all applicable regulatory requirements.
The work was performed within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 27.9462.2017/NM "Design, verification and testing of the concept of the IQASPE in accordance with FSES PE based on the principles of state and public administration".
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1. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 69 Lenina Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia, E-mail: artemenkoba@cspu.ru
2. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 69 Lenina Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
3. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 69 Lenina Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
4. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 69 Lenina Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
5. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 69 Lenina Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia
6. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, 69 Lenina Avenue, Chelyabinsk, 454080, Russia